Words to Describe Weather in Spanish
70 Spanish Weather Expressions That Will Never Fail You. Learn vocabulary terms and more with flashcards games and other study tools. Spanish Vocabulary Flash Cards Weather 1 85 By 2 5 Small Vocabulary Flash Cards Spanish Vocabulary Spanish Language Learning Notice how some things say bastante and parcialmentemayormente. . Translate Describe the weather. Llover - To rain Lloviznar - To drizzle Diluviar - To pour down Granizar - To hail Nevar - To snow. There are different types of weather. Another common way to make weather expressions in Spanish is using HACE from the verb hacer to do plus a weather condition like CALOR heat FRÍO cold VIENTO wind and so on to say things like Hace calor Its hot Hace mucho viento Its very windy or. So to describe them in Spanish and English you will need to know some basic words about weather and climate. El novia de Georgina es muy guapo. Sort these words according to whet...
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